Sam, 36

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Lots of tea!!!
Sam, 36 of Toronto, Ontario,  dating

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1 year ago

I thought he looked familiar so I went digging through old texts. I remember he was pushy and was creeping me out with unwanted sexual advances. I proceeded to ghost him after rejecting his advances and being ignored. Last texts from him as a result of my ghosting: “suck my dick u bitch” – this was in 2015 and it looks like he hasn’t changed one bit

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

you may have psychological issues or a huge loser if you are pulling up texts from almost 10 years ago to talk shit about random guys. get a life.

1 year ago

All you girls will get posted on here by the guys. Do you not realize what this site is about? It’s a chauvinist website designed to harass women.

1 year ago

This guy is such a snake. Avoid at every cost.

1 year ago

Such a creep. Tinder swindler 2.0

1 year ago

Sam is all over the Facebook groups. Recently found him dating in the Tampa/St. Pete’s area. Went on the Facebook group and sure enough, see what I found.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Comments here.

1 year ago

I went to college/university with him in Oshawa. He’s a walking Purely a pervert. He’s extremely pushy and intimidating. Very arrogant. Never had anything romantic with him but he tried. So many people said he was a sketchy guy too! I’ve heard some bad stories about him as well

1 year ago

He is a notorious stalker. He shows up to women’s places of work and homes unannounced. When I met him for the first time at his place he kept on trying to have sex and once he realized it wasn’t going to happen his male friend showed up to his condo while I was there without telling me. I felt extremely unsafe. He then said that they invited another girl over to fuck them both so I can leave. Stay safe and away from him. Oh also, he tried to get into my building & up to my unit by saying I was his girlfriend. Luckily I have amazing security guards who know I’m single so they didn’t let him in.

1 year ago

This want to be millionaire scumbag brags about having a ton of money and some small company he runs called SDG Accountant. He thinks that entitles him to every woman in Toronto. If you turn him down or don’t give in to his very very aggressive advances he will make your life a living hell. You can’t hide behind your fake accounts its time for everyone to know who you really are.

1 year ago

I met this guy wayy wayy back like when I was 23 during my tinder days. Ya super weird guy and extremely cocky. Thankfully we met in a public place for drinks and food. I remember he wanted me to go with him to the hot tub in his condo afterwards. I declined! I also remember seeing him on one of the apps with pics of him and his friend asking if any girls were interested in a three some. Looks like nothing has changed with him in the last decade!

1 year ago

His mom passed when he was young (mommy issues) and then his sister went on to be a famous stripper. Married a famous rapper. He’s been dming girls on IG + fb and is on seeking arrangement flying girls to Florida to continue his creepy ways.

1 year ago

I met Sam on a dating app, he was polite and charming at first. Half of the year he lives in Toronto, the other half in a vacation/office home in Florida. He extended an invitation which I accepted because of how well we hit it off. He expressed he was marriage minded and our values just clicked. On this trip things slowly took a turn, his insecurities began to come to light and I was put in a dangerous position. Hes an outright narcissist who will belittle you and attempt to emotionally manipulate too. Pretends to not want to have se* and will body shame you. While on dates and spending quality time together will Snapchat and msg other women. Tries to manipulate you in thinking this behaviour is okay. The worst part of my experience dating him was towards the end of this trip, I confronted him on msging other women while with me which resulted in him physically injuring me. Tossed my luggage out of the master bedroom and literally was making HISSING SOUNDS at me ?!?! He’s not safe to be around and is a serial dater.

1 year ago

omg i was hoping to never see this guys face ever again. He is the worst person i have ever met and i have a laundry list of abuse and manipulation he put me through! RED RED FLAG RUUUN! his words and actions have made me so insecure in relationships

1 year ago

Ok my friend has given me permission so I will share more details on this guy. She met him 10 years ago as I mentioned before dating apps were big. He was lovebombing her and said the same shit of how he wants a nice Middle Eastern girl like her. He was super persistent and clingy, always messaging. Anyways they went out and he was being super pushy with her to have sex when she did not want to, just like everyone else here has said. They were still dating and he suddenly ghosted her and started messaging a friend of hers on Instagram saying how he wants a nice Lebanese girl like her and the friend told my friend and didn’t pursue. He was just a big time narcissist and liar. I believe his dad owns or owned the condo in Florida that he is staying in. By the way, he is half Lebanese and half Plaestinian but always lies and says he’s full Lebanese..not sure why.

1 year ago

This is Sam, he also goes by Sami. He currently travels back and forth from Toronto and Florida for his business. Sam was very polite and charming in the beginning. He was very persistent with making plans with me, even if it’s not convenient for me and would make me feel forced to hang out or fulfill his “fantasies”. One of his fantasies was that he wanted me to have sex with another guy and specifically asked me not to shower, then right after to have sex with him and he would go down on me. His second fantasy was having a threesome with one of his friends.
Sam was very persistent with meeting up with his friend and scheduled to meet all 3 of us, and I eventually gave in but did not agree to having the threesome. That same night Sam bailed and it was just me and his friend. Although it wasn’t very clear that he was bailing. Fortunately for me his friend was very respectful and much more mature than Sam was. Sam’s friend and I did do some things because I felt more comfortable with him and he wasn’t pushy at all.
Sam’s insecurities began to come to light. He was upset that I did things with his friend rather than with Sam. Sam called me numerous names such as “whore” “toxic” “whack morales”. I was even threatened on multiple occasions such as “you’re lucky you’re not around me right now” and “I’m going to come to your work and we’ll talk”. He also threatened and posted me on a website with my picture and phone number and eventually lead to random phone calls and text messages from random people.
I tried to talk to him calmly because I know he suffers from anxiety and sometimes is hospitalized due to anxiety attacks. My last straw was when he said to me “you not growing up with parent’s definitely affected you”.
After blocking Sam, he then texted me with his other number, then later I blocked that number as well. After blocking both those numbers he then used his business number to call me. And since then he has called me 40 times with another number by private.
Sam is someone who will belittle you and attempt to emotionally manipulate too. He tries to manipulate you in thinking this behaviour is okay. Also, acts like he does to not want to have sex with you.
I also got confirmation from a friend of his who knows him well confirming this is not the first time he’s acted aggressively or posted other women like this


Sam, 36 was added to Are We Dating The Same on June 10, 2023. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Sam, 36 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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