Greg, 39 was added to Are We Dating The Same on May 27, 2023. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Greg, 39 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.
Was talking to him for a couple of weeks. Told me he was Italian and had beautiful views on life. He wanted a soulmate and to leave the app once he found this match. He was very sweet in the beginning. He would call me beautiful, cute, smart, etc. he would ask questions to get to know me, asked about my work, what my life looks like etc. it sounded very promising.. but when I said I was busy with work and couldn’t call he got upset. He would get upset if I didn’t answer his text right away. He Was very pushy to call and go on a date because “he didn’t want to waste his time” Out of nowhere he started sending little jabs at my if I didn’t answer all of this questions or texts. One morning he got pissed that I didn’t say good morning (keep in mind I get up at 6am and go to work for 730-8am) and he works evenings. I was trying to be respectful of his sleep but instead I was name called.. figures I ended it that same day, respectfully. He then called me so many disrespectful names: began body shaming, nationality shaming, and saying that I have “serious issues and that I’m a cunt and dumb bitch” He’s a red flags ladies, there is a reason he’s 38 and single, has a part time job and still lives at home with ma and pa…