Julien, 25

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

3.3 rating based on 6 ratings
Seeking Tea
Julien, 25 of Toronto, Ontario,  dating
Julien Pelletier

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1 year ago
How closely did your date resemble their photo? :
Hygiene :
Intelligence :
Ease of Conversation :
How was the first date? :

Great first date but went downhill from there. I wish you had criteria for after a first date so we can report on their behaviour after 4-5 dates.

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1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I was seeing julien casually for about a month, we went on 4-5 dates. The last time I ended up spending the night because he lives very close to my work. We spoke the night before about how I wasn’t ready to do it with him. I woke up the next morning to him doing it with me in my sleep. When confronted he first said he was sleeping and didn’t mean to and later said that he thought I was awake.


Julien, 25 was added to Are We Dating The Same on May 24, 2023. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Julien, 25 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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