James, 35

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Lots of tea!!!
James, 35 of Ottawa, Ontario,  dating

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8 months ago

I spoke with him first, all you notches can back off

8 months ago

Omg James threw out my essay. Even when I have inspiration, I still can’t get shit down on paper. I swear to fuck, I just keep shit bottled up all the time, like, I enjoy rap, say I want to write a rap song. I fucking can’t. Maybe I can jot down some lyrics that rhyme, but nothing will stop me from thinking it’s a pile of flaming shit, and I’ll probably delete it, so what’s the fucking point in doing it in the first place? So I think up all of these lyrics, and I keep them bottled up inside my head, and I’m thinking, right now, I think those lyrics are good, but in a week, when I’ve moved away from this place emotionally, is it just gonna be hot garbage? What’s the point if you just can’t tell? I feel like I could fucking do something, write a rock song, I don’t fucking know, but I feel like it could be good if I could just fucking get over myself. I HATE this shit, but I feel like maybe looking back and cringing might be worse than just being angry at myself now? I don’t know

1 year ago

Omg he’s obviously talking to many people. I’m also chatting with him and he also asked me out next week. Some more info on him would be appreciated.

1 year ago

my friend dated him and he’s extremely sexist. Beware. He also repeatedly messages her still saying he cannot cum unless thinking of her (my friend). Huge red flag

1 year ago

This guy definitely gets very sexual very fast via text and can be pretty pushy about it. When you call him on it he ghosts.

1 year ago

Jesus Christ I just told him I wasn’t seeing any potential as his texts were few and far between and not engaging. He then responds with oh I just don’t like texting let’s talk on the phone and decides to pick up the phone and call me twice back to back.


James, 35 was added to Are We Dating The Same on June 30, 2023. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about James, 35 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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