Kevin Larry, 47

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Lots of tea!!!
Kevin Larry, 47 of Niagara Falls, Ontario,  dating

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1 year ago

Around 2017/2018 he was messaging me. I think it was a different name completely. Said he was an MMA fighter. He also owned a construction company that Mike Holmes recommended. We met a couple times but then said he was coming over one day and 2 hours later said he didn’t mean right away, he had groceries to do. I don’t play those games. I told him off. He tried again a year later. I thought a second chance was alright, until he did the same. Said he was on his way and then hours later he had apparently gone for a motorcycle ride because he “wasn’t going to waste his day waiting on me”. Told him off again and just blocked him any time he tried again.
Also, he had this weird thing about not kissing. Said he didn’t want to me to fall in love with him (wasn’t a chance in hell).

1 year ago

similar experience for me too!!! But I figured out where he lived and found his now wife on social media. He actually got married last august. Total loser. He’s still on dating sites even tho he’s married. Claimed he was a professional MMA fighter.

1 year ago

His name is Lawrence, Larry for short and he’s now 48-49.
When I met him he was 46. I was seeing him for a few short months in 2020 and well it lead me to $30000 in debt. He promised all these things that would happen between the 2 of us to find out he was still with his children’s mother, will never let you at his house making excuses. He is manipulative, a con, and will get verbally aggressive with threats to call the police. I still have communication with him unfortunately because he owes me money.

1 year ago

Ok so… this guy relentlessly pursued me for 2 years. We went on one date, and while he seemed nice enough, something about him felt waaaay off.
He also said he was closer to my age, but he just seemed older and a bit square.
He told me how financially successful he was, that he worked on a HGTV show. He said he had a cottage and all this and all that, all the while I’m wondering, “ok why are you still single if you’re such a great catch?”
We were going to hang out once more. He invited me to his place to watch a movie, but I honestly just got a bad feeling. He was also trying soooooo hard and offered to buy me things to get me to go over. It was just a solid no.


Kevin Larry, 47 was added to Are We Dating The Same on June 9, 2023. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Kevin Larry, 47 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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