Taylor, 30

Denver, Colorado, United States

Seeking Tea
Taylor, 30 of Denver, Colorado,  dating

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11 months ago

He will say whatever to get sex, lie about what he likes and wants, agree that he wants the same type of relationship, but it’s just to get laid-of which he is run of the mill meh. He will laugh at you and rub it in that he used you. I knew of the word narcissist well before pop psych now and don’t throw it around loosely like others these days. First time I really thought someone may actually be one. Because of his lack of empathy and delight in suffering, I fear there was a hidden camera. Don’t trust his love bomb and innocent boy act. I have proof he planned to use me from before we met. It felt like grape after finding out because it was directly against our verbal agreements. How would it not when he turned into a different person! And relished in delight to tell me. I didn’t consent to his truth and would not have had he been honest. If someone lies about prophylactics or certain stds, it’s grape. It felt the same that he lied about everything. I was explicit we not got forward if he didn’t like us enough to want regular, he admitted he knew he was going to end it from before we progressed.

11 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You’re supporting a website that degrades and harasses women, this guy will post you on here if he sees this. Also, the police are available for sexual assault cases so no reason to take your anger out on here. You’re not protecting women, you’re giving a website which harasses women more content.


Taylor, 30 was added to Are We Dating The Same on October 21, 2023. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Taylor, 30 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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