Eddie, 38

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Lots of tea!!!
Eddie, 38 of Chicago, Illinois,  dating

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1 year ago

Where do I start? He is abusive emotionally and mentally. Everything is about Eddie all the time. He is a serial cheater, I know he cheated on his ex wife any time he got a chance including trying to sleep with his ex wives best friend and their photographer at their wedding (he tried before and after their marriage.)He admits to trying to turn his significant others families against them so he can control them. He has 6 children, maybe 7 but I suspect the number to be higher than that. He degrades women and thinks himself to be better than anyone else. He lives at home following his divorce in the basement with his sister, her 3 kids and boyfriend. He just got his license back following a DUI and a gun charge.. he has no vehicle currently. He gave his ex wife an STD when she was 9 months pregnant after he’d walked out and left her to deal with the pregnancy alone. The night they brought their son home he was texting another woman in bed next to her after she fell asleep after being up all night with their 3 day old. (Same one he got the STD from.) He will call you any name he can think of b*tch, c*nt etc if you don’t listen and obey him. He will gaslight and constantly call you crazy and tell anyone who will listen you’re crazy when you start standing up to him. Every single he does has to benefit him in some way or he will not do it. While pregnant with his second child with her his ex wife found him in her car with a 50 something year old woman. He walked out on his wife when she was 4 months pregnant(notice a pattern? He leaves while she’s pregnant) unemployed due to the pregnancy and she had just found out her Mom had cancer. He walked out to party in FL and sleep with 54 year old and he was also sleeping with a 50 something woman when he was in Illinois and his wife pregnant. His sister is white trash and threatened to beat up his pregnant wife on multiple occasions. He believed his wife should give him her check from working and even though they worked the same job and hours he expected her to do all the cleaning, all the child rearing and his laundry. He is a full blown narcissist who will make you question your sanity and when his ex wife finally snapped after taking his sh*t he gaslit her into thinking she was insane and he never did anything. WILL NOT TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY. Takes GIRLS to motels because he does not have a place of his own and every girl has to drive him around. When he and his wife divorced he went down her friends list and hit up all of her friends who reported to her that he had. He has no remorse and people have said they truly believe he is a sociopath.. he became a mormon because he wants multiple wives. Constantly puts everyone down and still abuses his ex wife because she tries to have a good coparenting relationship. If he messages you or you are seeing him RUN. He will make your life hell and the sex is NOT worth it. any other questions I am happy to answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I feel your pain gf. I just posted a very toxic man that I just got away from. Hugs to you for gaining the strength to leave. Where are these evil men spawned from??

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

 I don’t know but they’re EVERYWHERE this generation. We got divorced to be done with all that and he still will text me and abuse me. We have 2 kids together. Messages me about his sex life because he is still trying to hurt me, I’ve left the pain behind but women do need to be warned because the pattern doesn’t change with a new femal

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

yup that’s him we went out on one date I did a background check he has duo’s and he did have his license taken away he never had a car. After my background I told him I don’t date people with criminal records


Eddie, 38 was added to Are We Dating The Same on June 22, 2023. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Eddie, 38 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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