Emily, 38

Morgantown, West Virginia, United States

Lots of tea!!!
Emily, 38 of Morgantown, West Virginia,  dating

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13 days ago

Ok I have stayed out of this until now. Since I’m leaving the area I can say virtually everything I’ve read is completely true. The number of times I can tell you that she would sleep with 2-4 men in a weekend, sometimes 2 in the same day is disgusting. She’s had 2 relationships with super nice great guys and has managed to screw up both of the relationships and leave those poor men in bad shape.

Guys please stay away!!!!

1 month ago

I was talking to a friend of mine who was mentioning this chick. Checked her out on FB, looked cute enough so I asked if he had anymore info on her next time I saw him. He then dropped me with some titty pics she sent to him AND HIS WIFE lol. After we laughed out asses off over that I checked the pics out. I never knew skinny fat could exist until now. That or anymore obvious attempt to make mid at best tits look good.

Plus what he said about her I’ll pass on that level of toxicity.

1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Dude my favorite part was the lazy nipple. Like why was her left nipple almost under her armpits when the right one was pointed straight ahead. WTF 🤣🤣🤣🤣

1 month ago

Here’s the thing with Emily. Treat her like a queen and you’ll get treated like garbage. Give her the bare minimum, while giving her validation like telling her she’s hot, nice tits you’ll get your dick sucked and be able to drop cream pies every other weekend when her kids are gone and if you play your cards right you might even get snuck into the house when her kids are there. I’ve not been able to participate but she loves to talk about her ho ways.

1 month ago

I was snooping around thinking I’d shoot my shot with her but between what I’ve read here and getting into her socials that’s a hard no. The socials alone turned me, been there done that with women who need constant validation from thirsty posts. After reading this shit show it’s a hard no from me on pursuing further.

Love that sites like this exist to warn men about trash like this.

1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Brother trust me she’s a 304 girl to the core. You saved yourself a lot of headache.

2 months ago

As a former friend of hers I’ve heard she’s using IG now to try keep her supply of men she burns thru since she got booted from all the dating apps. A fair warning to all the men out there, you should already know this but what you see on social media is not who a person is. She is a shitshow inside of a dumpster fire. And while she’s far from the hottest woman out there she’s not horribly ugly so I know men will just use her and honestly that’s okay because I think she likes just living that life of being used. Like someone said below she’s built for the streets.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Straight up BOP. Reminds me of the ugly girl in HS that only gets attention because she’ll blow just about anyone, and from what I’ve heard she has and does.

2 months ago

I don’t have any experience with Emily outside of just seeing her out in public a few times while with my husband. I will however say that the fact that she continues to try to invite my husband out to come have a drink with her as “friends” clearly shows that she has no respect for boundaries and common decency as a woman. If she was interested and having a friendship with my husband then she would invite the two of us out together so that I could get to know her and maybe then it would be appropriate for the two of them to hang out. However her desire to only hang out with my husband clearly shows along with all the comments listed below here exactly what type of a loose woman she is.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That is disgusting that a woman would be asking a married man out for drinks. If that doesn’t scream a red flag and a whore I don’t know what does.

2 months ago

Ok I finally decided to see the tea everyone was talking about and I’m speechless. I loved her, as an older woman so many of us younger women would look up to her as this strong independent successful bad ass woman. Turns out she is exactly the type of woman that makes us all look bad. Built for and being run thru on the streets. Living the life of what every dog of a man sees us why men as which is just cum receptacles. She portrays herself as this strong feminist woman but at the end of the day she’s just a whore. An old single mom whore, a hypocrite and disgusting.

3 months ago

I live in the same neighborhood and our children play together. All of you talking about Emily should be ashamed of yourselves. The fact that some of you clearly know her still personally and are talking about her on this app and at the gym behind her back are disgusting.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What’s disgusting is her loud obnoxious mouth and how she walks around like she’s God’s gift to wherever she is. The only reason Joe tolerates her is he is a combination of afraid to piss her off and the scene she will make and she sponsors the gym thru her business now. Trust me he and I have talked.

Never mind the distraction of all the rumors about her, which are not exactly rumors.

3 months ago

OMG she used to come to our gym and her ex-husband still does. I had heard rumors about her from some people in the gym that she was nuts, and like people said she was always loud and obnoxious when she went here, I just never thought she was such a slutty woman.

3 months ago

This is salacious as hell. Isn’t she like some kind of mental health therapist or something? Sounds like she is a head case herself. For those of us annoyed as hell with her loud mouth and annoying kids at the gym this is going to be comedy gold to share around.

3 months ago

I wasn’t going to post here but this whore denied sleeping with my boyfriend when I called her out on it last night. First she hadn’t talked to him since 21 or 22 then said she had thought about reading it to fuck him. Bullshit I saw the texts. Bent has given multiple women herpes so trust me she’s got it. Apparently I’m reading all this she gives it up easy to every man, which explains why he had her saved as Easy Emily “. To all the decent men out there proceed with extreme caution if you don’t want an STD.

3 months ago
Reply to  Destiny

Welp sounds like disease addled couldn’t have been a truer gues LMAO!!!!!!

3 months ago

OMG the rumor around Ridgeline was that she was crazy and a whore but Jesus. She’s not just a whore she’s a super whore. Not that I’m against an easy woman I just prefer one that’s not such a loud obnoxious cunt. She thinks we all love her but we all just tolerate her. Maybe someone can take over for the team and show her this so she will learn to just stfu or go to another gym with her obnoxious and sounds like disease addled ass.

4 months ago

You know it’s wild she’s lost a good bit of weight but is one of the few girls to look so much worse from losing weight. Her tits were never that spectacular but the weight loss has them look like tube socks with rocks in them. Plus the extra, loose skin is just kinda meh. Still a fun fuck though so whoever else is hitting it enjoy and just know you aren’t the only one dropping cream pies in her 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

4 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah she looks like she got dem pancake titties now. Back in the day she had big ole tits.

4 months ago

Also for those of you who don’t know she’s 39 now.

4 months ago

Listen guys she’s a dumpster fire. I hope she stays that way because it makes coming home so much more fun for me now. I love going to see friends and family but it’s so much more fun when you have a smash piece that will let you show up gives better than mid BJ and takes a cream pie and then I head out. Like I said before she’s INSANE but easy. None of you want to date her, including me. I might hint around it to make sure she stays available but no way I’m leaving my job for her or the much better women where I live now. She’s basically a hamburger which is fine but not what you settle for.

5 months ago

Fuck me, A friend of mine does CrossFit with her and was telling me I should check her out online and see if I’m interested. Thank God I found her on here first. I am not interested whatsoever in dealing with a hot mess ho like this.

6 months ago

I still follow her on IG. Me and a couple of brothers used to hit it on the reg. I figured she grew out of that hoe shit, seems like she still in it. Shame she don’t live in Philly no more. She was just a fat white chick who loved the brother’s back in the day.

6 months ago

Holy shit you guys lol. She seems like a piece of work.. Best to be avoided for sure. I get she’s one of those in don’t need a man types. Glad I never chatted with her. I guess her disconnecting with me was a blessing in disguise. Although that dress kinda told the story that she is just looking for dick.

Also holy fuck crazy eyes lol

6 months ago

I have been chatting with this chick a while back on a dating app. I’m not saying I’m not going to not see her since clearly she’s easy but at least I know to wrap it up and not try and actually date her.

6 months ago

I hate to be part of this but maybe my story will save another man a world of headache and heart break. I dated Emily for just over half a year. I supported and loved her the best I could after her divorce, although it appears I may not have been the only one intimate with her. I supported her they her father’s death. We even got pregnant together. Of course the pregnancy ended with an abortion. No discussion nothing. She just informed me it happened and she wasn’t keeping it. Coldest conversation I’ve ever had and I’m an attorney.

She is incredibly selfish and your time with her will be didn’t doing what she wants when she wants she that’s it. Your wants, needs and desires are not even an afterthought.

I’m ashamed to admit I was ever dumb enough to actually think she could love me and dumber yet to have loved her. I tolerated her during friends with what I assume is all of you men who previously, or while I was dating her, slept with her. I can’t believe I put up with this

6 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Behavior. I’m my life personally and professionally I’ve met some truly awful people but she will always be the worst.

6 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Damn man. I’m sorry you went through this. Live and learn I guess. I’m thankful I didn’t try and date her and instead treated her like the hot mess express I thought she it appears she is.

6 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Shit I’m over if the guys are was still talking too and firing with constantly. She didn’t cut me off till after she got with some new dude. I tried to hook up with her after you and she agreed to lunch but said we wouldn’t fuck so I passed. She was annoying as fuck but was worth dealing with to keep a woman to fuck when I came home to visit. In fact I may just reach out to her because it sounds like she’s single again.

Again sorry if this offends but she was a slightly better than avg lay and like a few of you have said easy as can be. Worth listening to an hour and change of her annoying shit for the pay off at the end of the night lol.

6 months ago

I knew exactly what I was getting into when she started texting me out of the blue and I said to help with it and sent her a dick pic thinking either this will run her crazy ass off or let me know what’s up. Clearly it let me know what’s up and I got to have sex with her over a few weekends. Yes it appears the same time everyone else on here was doing the same.

I mean look at those crazy eyes, if you meet her the obnoxious loud laugh and the complete lack of any lady like mannerisms. I still occasionally text her but she hasn’t given it up yet but I hear she is single again so I’m going to try again soon.

Sluts like her are just good for one thing and I pity any man dumb enough to try and date her.

My only regret is wasting money on taking her out like I did especially on one rather pricey weekend trip. Apparently other people got what I got damn near for free. I hate wasting money on women when they give it up basically for free ha ha ha

6 months ago

Wait a minute please tell me this wasn’t all going down about 2.5 years ago. I went out with her a handful of times and we did sleep together a few times and she said nothing about being actively dating other men let alone having sexual relations with multiple other men at the same time. If this is true I’m disgusted at being at the time I was with her. I figured a professional woman like her wouldn’t be out sleeping with multiple women like some cheap trash.

6 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sorry to break it to you but yeah I think we all were fucking Emily at this time. I had a hunch she was just an easy slut but it seems like everyone here confirms it. She was throwing her mid level pussy out like candy at a parade lol.

6 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah man I got to hit it the first time we went out. I know for a fact I was just another dude on the roster but she was at least mid to decent of a fuck, swallowed every nut, and rarely cost anything to fuck. Hell at times we didn’t even go out she would just call me over to smash. Even when she started dating this other dude I think if I hadn’t moved away I would have still been able to hit it occasionally. She’s just an easy whore like that lol. Best of luck to the next round of guys 😂😆😂😆

She is without a doubt the epitome of a hoe you can’t turn into a housewife.

7 months ago

Well I can confirm I fucked her this past Friday night.

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

She is easy like kindergarten math. I got head from her in a parking lot after just a few drinks while she was still married. I got to keep hitting it for a while until she finally got a BF. I was far from the only one getting it but then again as a man in his 50’s getting some from a 35ish yr old I wasn’t complaining.

8 months ago

Can confirm the roster always being there and on rotation. However she will let you hit it raw especially after some drinks.

9 months ago

Will always have multiple men in her DMs and typically has a roster of 3-5 guys she sleeps with at the same time. She would call me up to sleep with her less than 12 hours after being with another man on a weekend trip I found out.


Emily, 38 was added to Are We Dating The Same on May 8, 2024. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Emily, 38 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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