Amber, 34

Columbus, Ohio, United States

4.2 rating based on 6 ratings
Seeking Tea
Amber, 34 of Columbus, Ohio,  dating

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4 months ago
How closely did your date resemble their photo? :
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Initially Amber starts out amazing. She is sweet, kind, fun, caring, and compassionate. But she will find one fault in you and beat you over the head with it until you give up. I gave her my heart, and she threw it away. She likes to play the fact that she is a widow and that’s what has her messed up. She had me meet her kids and while I was playing with the youngest one she was in the other room trying to set up someone one else trying to come over and sleep.with her. She takes no responsibility for her own actions. She’s also apart of the Rawlings Tigers Baseball team.

Spotted/Found On
Hinge, Bumble, Tinder, Facebook, Plenty of Fish, Grindr
Last edited 4 months ago by Red
4 months ago

This is Amber. We were dating off and on for the past several months, well recently I was at her place in the central Ohio area. She had me over and while I was playing Lego with her daughter in the living room I caught her texting someone else, setting up a friends with benefits situation. She demanded loyalty from me and when she was called out about she said she did not owe me anything.


Amber, 34 was added to Are We Dating The Same on July 4, 2024. Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed about Amber, 34 by the commenters are solely that of the commentor and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of Are We Dating The Same.

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